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Saturday, October 05, 2013

Celebration Space

Sometime ago, while visiting some blogs, I saw a space where a woman made a monthly display in her home. I thought it was a great idea and set about making one in mine.

I have a cube shelf with 9 cubes, unfortunately I haven't been able to find baskets that fit it, so this became the basis of my space. I found an amazing mirror at Home Sense for only $39, and a couchsurfer who was staying with me, helped me put it up. Then I looked around my home to see if there was anything I could display for the summer/August theme. I went to the dollar store and picked up a few items and this is what I came up with.
Then when September rolled around I wanted a Back to School theme.
Now that Fall has arrived I changed it once more, and I like how it is evolving. I got the globe at the dollar store, and I cut the school bus with my die cut machine. The apple on top of the books was a freebie from Staples. It's a Post-it note holder, that is given to teachers when they shop at the store.
As you can see I have reused some of the items, like the flowers and candles. I found the wide glass vase and the glass pumpkin at Home Sense. The brown glass bottle I found in the garbage room of my apartment building!

I can't wait for my Hallowe'en display, I think it will be a lot of fun.

1 comment:

Birdie said...

What a cool idea! Seriously, you did that school bus? And found a globe for a dollar? You are resourceful and a great bargain hunter along with decorating.

I anxious to see Halloween and Christmas.